Sunday, June 22, 2008

We are the lighthouses, Jesus is the light!

The Bible says we are God's vessels bought by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ, as He suffered and died a terrible death on the cross, and then He rose again! Yes, there was a magnificent price paid for our privilege to become His daughters. And now we are the temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell. Picture this: we are the lighthouses where His light can radiate (1 Cor. 6:19, John 8:12, Matt. 5:14)! This is a high calling!

God has made us in all shapes and sizes, with different gifts, talents, and abilities because He has important and valuable things for us do to for Him. Girlfriends, we were created to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever (Matt: 5:16). So let's get busy!

It's a struggle for all of us to resist the worldly influences of what magazines and movies tempt us to imitate: the perfect body, the perfect skin, the perfect make-up, the perfect hair, the perfect home, the perfect family......however, perfection doesn't exist in this world. It's an unattainable goal that causes us problems when we try to latch onto such worldly priorities instead of God's desires for each one of us.

We need to be shining His light in this dark world by "seeking His kingdom first, and His righteousness and then all these things (needs) will be given to us." (Matt. 6:33) Do you have a need? When we diligently and faithfully spend time with Him, His Word, and His people, He will truly satisfy us, fill us, and give us contentment and peace (Matt. 7:7-8). We will begin to enjoy Him more and more as our relationship with Him deepens. We will begin to shine brighter with His love and light and laughter and wisdom and joy that only comes from knowing Him.

So Girlfriends, let's prayerfully consider taking those steps to shine His light, even writing that notecard of encouragement, calling that friend in need, making that meal for a neighbor, finding the grace to forgive someone, and praying faithfully and unceasingly (I Thess. 5:17) so we can see Almighty God move mountains. He is able!

As we draw nearer to Him, He will make us more and more radiant.

"The Lord is my light.." Psalm 27:1.

1 comment:

GratefulinGA said...

You are a light Polly...oh,what a light! Shining it as bright as ever!

Love the site and I look forward to reading all you have to share sweet Sister.
God Bless you,