Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ever Prayed For "Vitality"?????

My spiritual mother (AKA my mentor) often reminds me, "The hardest thing for a Christian to do is pray." She says that because the enemy of our souls knows what happens when God's people pray: mountains move, people are healed, relationships are restored, needs are met, battles are won ---frankly, His Will is done!

However, if our prayers are interrupted and/or hindered (that's the "enemy of our souls" part) because we're too tired and too busy to stop and pray every day-- then we're not as effective as we could be. Ever notice what happens when you find a quiet place to pray? Uh-huh. Distractions come: the phone rings, the dryer buzzer goes off, your dog nudges you with a cold wet nose to go 'out', the bug man is at your front door stuffing your bill in the door jam, your mind wanders to that hill of clean towels on your kitchen get the picture.

And yet, God knows this and still, He tells us in His word to pray continually and to keep on praying for all the saints. We can pray when we're washing dishes, going for a walk, even while driving a carpool -- only don't close your eyes for that one! It's still effective to pray with your eyes open, Girls! It still counts.

Why do we pray? Because God tells us that "we don't have because we don't ask" Him for it. Something happens to us every time we pray---we grow closer to God and deepen our relationship with Him. The truth is everything comes from His Hands. When we pray we're acknowledging that all things DO come from Him...and that brings Him glory.

I remember when I was the publicity/marketing person for a Christian school. Very early every morning I would arrive like a bright-eyed cheerleader (the explanation comes later) long before each school day began to greet each car that drove up to the front door. My job was to welcome each parent with a huge smile and then open their child's door and help them out of the vehicle.

Well, I thought, this is definitely a marketing thing...and it would be good to show lots of energy to the families dropping their children off each morning and it would give them a cheerful start to their I began to pray for "vitality". Yep. And lo and behold God answered that prayer. I didn't even need caffeinated coffee. No sireee, without realizing it I was giving each driver a big "Gooooood Morning!" and I'd fling their child's door open and said, "Goood morning! Welcome to our school!" As each parent drove away leaving me in a cloud of dust and small rocks (the parking lot wasn't paved yet) I'd wave and call out, "Have a nice day!!!!!"

Parents began to ask me how I was so cheerful and so energetic so early in the morning, every morning. When I told one parent, "Well, I prayed that God would give me vitality so I could provide "a little sunshine" to each family as they drive up to the school. Another parent heard my explanation and gave me a stare while being very pensive and then said, "Well, hmmmmm, I think I'm going to start praying for my wife to have vitality!" Ahhhhhh, things that make you go, hmmmmm.

Girlfriends, there is nothing we can't pray about and there's nothing too small or too big for God to provide in answer to prayer. We need to be praying about everything and then watch and wait for God's amazing answer. He will do it and His answer will always be better than we could ever ask or think of asking. That's who He is!

I love to say: "I can't fix it, I can't heal it, I can't help make it better, but I know WHO I pray!to the one WHO rules and reigns over the universe!"

I'd love to hear how God has used prayer in your life to accomplish amazing things. I look forward to hearing from you!
God bless you, Sweet Sisters!

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