Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's not about golf but it IS in the mix!

I had no idea that when God breathed life into this Fore His Glory concept of combining a Bible study, a bunch of growing girlfriendships, golf instruction and play, and lunch, that it really isn't about golf. I can see that He is just using golf to "bring us out" physically, spiritually, and emotionally. And He's doing it differently in each one of us and He really is doing it for His glory!

See we're a bunch of Warrior Chicks who are still learning that it's the joy of the Lord, prayer, a deep relationship with Him, laughter, clean jokes, a sense of humor, a thankful heart, and not taking ourselves too seriously that gets us through the hard times that always come our way!

God promises us that "in this world we would have trouble" and He also says, "but take heart, I have overcome the world." He is in charge. He rules. He rocks, if you will. Well, He does!

Anyway, about the golf part.... You've heard of Chick Flicks, you know, movies that only girlfriends enjoy.....well, I'm about to describe Warrior Chick Golf! You gotta have just the right 'tude to enjoy it and you gotta think like a Chick!
Here goes:
1. Golf is an activity you can enjoy into a ripe old age. You don't have to run, you don't have to kick anything (well you're not supposed to), you don't have to throw anything (not supposed to do that either) nor lift anything heavy but a club and you get to s-w-i-n-g the club! And then, of course, there's the gas or electric golf cart! Whoo hoo. You have the choice to RIDE around the golf course instead of walking and pushing your bag of clubs around on a three-wheeled chariot, uh, cart.

2. God is all over golf. A golf course is a beautiful setting to find God. The setting is made up of rolling dark green fairways, waterways that sparkle from the sunshine hitting it just right, birds are singing their songs, you're surrounded by plush landscaping...and it's quiet. Well, it's supposed to be quiet so the golfer can concentrate on making that shot.....uh, I guess the quiet part really depends on who's out on the course with you or who's on the neighboring fairway. I won't go there for now.

3. Then there's the FUN of playing with your girlfriends.....and that's always a blast because when you're out there you can visit while you know. TALK. See, when you play golf, you're not panting and losing your breath over the next can visit and catch up with your girlfriends....because you're all out there for the same reason -- to relax with friends, to laugh and "lighten up" while you spend time together in an outdoor activity, and you even get some exercise. And you know what? I've found that when I relax I play a much better game of golf without really trying! Cool huh?

4. Another benefit to regularly getting together with girlfriends to play golf is that you can't help but improve if you 'keep on keeping on''s like anything else...just like the Bible says, "sowing and reaping".....oh yeah.

5. Another blessing that comes from playing golf for His glory is that when we have special friends who either already play golf or are willing to learn to play ..... our outings become something very precious that God uses to minister to each one of us personally -- and to add more blessings, we end up ministering to each other .......and that's awesome!

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